Washington State Chef's
Our Foundation
Dear Members,
The Washington State Chefs’ Association (WSCA) invites you or your company to help us advance our goal of promoting the professional image of American chefs worldwide through education of culinary professionals at all levels. Our goal aligns with the mission of the American Culinary Federation, Inc., founded in 1929 “to make a positive difference in the development of culinarians through community, education, apprenticeship, and certification”.
In order to accomplish our goal, we are reaching out to individuals and businesses like yours to support our growing apprenticeship program and provide scholarships to at least 10 students. In addition, we will be conducting an American Culinary Federation (ACF) sanctioned competition to select our next student of the year and award a special $10,000 scholarship to the competition winner. Our total fundraising goal for this year is $50,000.
The long-term benefit of your generous contribution is immeasurable as students acquire the skill sets needed to progress through career opportunities in the culinary industry. The benefit is passed on to employers and also connoisseurs who seek quality dining experiences. A recent scholarship winner, Tony, tells us:
“Scholarships from the Washington State Chef’s Association helped me complete the Culinary Arts Program at Renton Technical College. As a result, I was able to do my internship at the prestigious Rainier Club under Chef Bill Morris, one of Seattle’s best chefs, and my culinary career expanded through WSCA’s competition where I received silver and bronze medals. I can honestly say that the scholarships I received through the ACF Washington State Chefs’ Foundation were critical to my current employment and launched me on a career path to becoming a successful executive chef.”
The WSCA is all about connecting with others in our industry – chefs, suppliers, students, educators, and lovers of food. We have over 250 students, chefs, and food enthusiast members that volunteer thousands of hours annually to advance the culinary industry through competitions, education, scholarships, and networking. Our most profound commitment is to education. Can we count on you to help us achieve our scholarship and apprenticeship fundraising goal?
ACF Washington State Chefs Foundation is a 501c3.
ACF WSCA Foundation Sponsorship Opportunities
ACF Washington State Chefs Association Foundation also offers its friends, purveyors, brokers, and associate members another option in partnership. By choosing the Bronze Package this will allow your company an annual one time investment. For your convenience, all of your account activities will be managed by our Chairman of the Board Gary L. Fuller CCE CEC AAC.
Friends of WSCA
(Bronze Package)-
ACF Membership: A one year ACF Washington State Chefs Associate Membership
Small Size Company Logo on all chapter website’s pages with link to Partner’s company website
Small Size Company Logo on chapter monthly newsletter with link to your company
2 tickets to our annual Bite of Apprentice in April.
Recognition and dinner for 2 at the annual Presidents Awards Banquet in March.
One educational seminar about your company and products
Friends of WSCA
(Silver Package)-
ACF Membership: A one year ACF Washington State Chefs Associate Membership
Medium Size Company Logo on all chapter website’s pages with link to Partner’s company website
Medium Size Company Logo on chapter monthly newsletter with link to your company
5 tickets to our annual “Bite of Apprentice in April.
Recognition and dinner for 5 at the annual Presidents Awards Banquet in March.
Position for one person on the Foundation board as a member at large.
One educational seminar about your company and products
Sponsorship for our Annual Chowder Competition
Sponsorship for our Annual Culinary Salon
Friends of WSCA
(GOLD Package)-
ACF Membership: A one year ACF Washington State Chefs Associate Membership
Large Company Logo on all chapter website’s pages with link to Partner’s company website
Large Company Logo on chapter monthly newsletter with link to your company
10 tickets to our annual “Bite of Apprentice in April.
Recognition and dinner for 10 at the annual Presidents Awards Banquet in March.
Position for one person on the Foundation board as a member at large.
One educational seminar about your company and products
Sponsorship for our Annual Chowder Competition
Sponsorship for our Annual Culinary Salon