Washington State Chef's

Meeting Minutes

We are happy you have decided to join the Washington State Chefs Association – a chapter of the American Culinary Federation (ACF). The American Culinary Federation,  Inc. (ACF), a professional, organization for chefs and cooks, was founded in 1929 in New York city by three chefs’ organizations: the Societe Culinaire Philanthropique, the Vatel Club and the Chefs de Cuisine Association of America. Since our inception, little has changed in our principal goals. We are an organization based on promoting the professional image of American chefs worldwide through education of culinarians at all levels. We now have over 22,000 members nationwide in 230 chapters.

View the brochures below to see how joining the ACF can help you…

Join your Local Chapter and get a FREE ACF Coat…
As a Professional Chef, You belong in the ACF…
Employers: Want to Attract and Retain the Best Chefs? Come to ACF…
As an Educator who Mentors Future Chefs, You belong with the ACF…
Students – Ignite your Career with the ACF…
Students – ACF Members Get More…
Encienda tu Carrera con ACF – Spanish Brochure

Click here to join now and come to our monthly meetings so we may introduce you to our membership. We support education, student scholarships, community service, ACF certification, and competitions.