Bite of Apprentice
Monday, April 27th, 2015
Renton Technical College
The Bite of Apprentice winners are:
Peoples Choice Winner – RTC Bakery
Best College – Bellingham Technical College
Best Apprentice – Earls of Bellevue
At the Bite of Apprenticeship, we were treated to an array of culinary delights from the schools, businesses and apprentice cooks. It was hard to pick a favorite from the many unique and flavorful samples. Our only disappointment of the night was that we had too much food for the guests that did come to enjoy the hard work of the cooks and chefs. Next year promises to be an even bigger event and we will spread the word to get more guests to come and enjoy the tastes that are created by some of our best culinarians.
For questions about the event, please e-mail John Fisher, Apprenticeship Coordinator.