2015 WSCA Holiday Dinner Follow-up
Holiday Dinner & Silent Auction
Monday, November 9th,2015
Clearwater Casino
We enjoyed one of the best meals presented to us at this month’s dinner meeting. Steven Schrader and his team at the Clearwater Casino wowed us with stations of Northwest favorites and their pastry chef displayed his talents with exceptional creations. I would like to thank the Team at the Clearwater for giving us an evening that will be hard to forget. Thank you.
Our Western regional ACF vice president, Carlton Brooks CEPC, CCE, AAC, was in attendance for our annual holiday dinner and apprentice auction. He expressed his thoughts in an email stating that “it has been a long time since I have had such a delightful experience while meeting with your board and then its members. You should be very proud of your chapter and its accomplishments”. I would also like to thank Mark Linden for being the chapter host for our regional VP.
The annual silent auction to support the apprentice program was held at the Clearwater Casino during our reception. Gary and Elaine Fuller again made sure that everything was set up and collected for the auction. Thank you both for running the auction for the apprentices. I would like to thank all the businesses and individuals that donated to the auction. The prize of the evening was Chef Tamas’s 6 course dinner going for top dollar. Thank you Tamas for giving your talents to this organization and the apprentices.